What to do When Your Baby is Congested

At-Home Remedies for a Congested Infant

What to do When Your Baby is Congested

As a new parent, you do everything to try to keep your baby safe from harm. However, their new immune systems are not built up yet, leaving them extra vulnerable to any germs they come in contact with while crawling around or simply sitting in the stroller.

If your baby has the sniffles, you may feel inclined to take them to a Los Angeles pediatric ENT doctor as soon as possible. However, your baby’s congestion can have many causes that don’t require the help of a sinusitis specialist in Los Angeles.

It’s possible that there’s an easy and cost-effective solution to your baby’s congestion, or that nothing is wrong with your baby at all. To save you a trip to the pediatric ENT doctor in Los Angeles, the doctors of Westside Head & Neck are here to help you diagnose the cause of your baby’s congestion from home.

If your baby sounds congested but has no mucus, then your solution may lie in the list below.

A Virus

Since babies are so mouthy and don’t have the ability to wash their hands, their fragile immune systems can fall victim to illness. It’s normal for your baby to catch a virus a handful of times a year; in fact, it’s what builds up their immune system for their adult life.

If your baby has a cold, they may show the following symptoms:

  • A congested nose with thick discharge that may be clear at first but might thicken and turn yellow or green
  • Fever
  • Sneezing
  • Coughing
  • Decreased Appetite
  • Difficulty Sleeping
  • Trouble Nursing or Taking a Bottle Due to Nasal Congestion

A baby sick with the flu can exhibit symptoms similar to a cold, but their symptoms will be more severe compared to the common cold. A baby with the flu will also exhibit:

  • Chills
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea

However, if your baby seems lethargic or more irritable than normal, it’s possible that they may have an illness more severe than the flu or the common cold. Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is one of the most common causes of respiratory sickness in babies, and it occurs when the common cold virus starts to attack their lungs. This virus is signaled by a lot of mucus that doesn’t go away, despite your efforts to drain it.

If you suspect your baby may have come down with RSV, you will need to seek out difficulty breathing nasal congestion treatment from a pediatric ENT specialist in LA.

Environmental Irritants

Your baby may just be sensitive to irritants that naturally occur in your home. Miniscule amounts of natural substances float around in the air. As your baby breathes these into their tiny nose, their sinuses may get irritated.

Common environmental irritants include:

  • Pollen
  • Dirt
  • Dust
  • Pet Dander

Frequent cleaning can help minimize these irritants. While it’s difficult to balance a clean home with the needs of your baby, among other obligations, a quick wipe-down of the floors and surfaces in your home may help your baby’s breathing. It’s also helpful to replace your home’s air filter frequently.

If your baby’s congestion has occurred in the spring or fall, this may be an early sign of allergies.


Asthma is particularly difficult to diagnose in infants because they can’t articulate how they are feeling. If you have a family history of asthma or if the baby was exposed to cigarette use in the womb, it’s possible that your baby may also develop asthma early in life.

If your child’s symptoms won’t go away, you may need to take them to a Los Angeles difficulty breathing nasal specialist to diagnose your breathing problems. When you visit your nasal congestion doctor, you should give them the following information:

  • Family History of Asthma or Allergies
  • The Child’s Behavior
  • Breathing Symptom Patterns
  • Potential Triggers You’ve Identified

There May Be Nothing Wrong With Your Baby

It’s normal to be hyper-aware of changes in your baby’s behavior. Even if they sound a little congested, your baby’s breathing may be completely normal, barring the need for Los Angeles chronic nasal congestion treatment.

Many pediatric ENTs will tell you that your baby’s nose is so tiny that even a little swelling or naturally-occurring mucus can cause congestion. As long as your baby can breathe and eat normally and doesn’t seem upset, you don’t have anything to worry about.

While your baby’s congestion doesn’t always signal a serious health concern, it’s normal as a mother to worry. If you feel the need to contact a pediatric ENT specialist, look no further than Westside Head & Neck. One of our doctors can evaluate your baby and give you infant-safe medicine.

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