
Otitis media is a critical condition with effective remedies. However, there is definitely a recovery period.

With antibiotics
To start things off, with antibiotics, otitis media typically takes about three days to clear up. These antibiotics are very strong and get right to the root of the problem. An ear infection specialist Los Angeles can prescribe you these antibiotics as treatment. This is the strongest form of treatment, and an otitis media specialist Los Angeles will be able to administer them properly. Much like antibiotics, it’s important to not miss a single dosage. This will force you to reset to day one and will definitely slow your progress. Adults and children have different forms of antibiotics depending on their weight and height.

With pain medication
Next in line, pain medication is a milder form of treatment. In this case, it usually takes about five days for the infection to clear up. If you don’t have a busy agenda, this is a perfectly good way of handling otitis media. An ENT for ear infections Los Angeles is exactly what you want. An ear infection specialist Los Angeles will prescribe a pain medication that soothes the pain and allows you to continue your daily activities. In the end, you’ll restore your hearing without any permanent damage. In the worst case scenario, otitis media has infected both ears, and you’ll be experiencing pain on both sides of your body. Here, syrup medicine might be recommended as it is a bit stronger.

Otitis media treatment
Last but not least, what is the best way to treat otitis media. No matter what, you want to see an otitis media specialist in Los Angeles. A professional ENT for ear infections Los Angeles will be able to diagnose your case and evaluate your progress. Different people respond differently to otitis media, and it is best to get custom treatment. You’ll be on a quicker road to recovery that has less of a chance of exasperating things. Otitis media really shouldn’t be something that slows you down for weeks on end. If it persists for more than a couple of days, seek stronger help.

At the moment, when all is said and done, there are a couple of factors that determine how long it takes for otitis media to clear up. Consider these factors on your road to recovery. You’ll be back on your feet in no time! Contact our ENT doctor Los Angeles today!


There are a number of different parts of the body that need to be working together in order for your body to stay balanced. When your eyes, brain, nerves or inner ear aren’t working together properly, this can result in the room feeling like it’s spinning. Some people experience this vertigo very mildly. They can go about their day without too much of a problem. Other people are left bedridden for a day or two until the problem resolves itself. If you’re experiencing a bout of dizziness, let’s look at why this might be occurring.

Being low on fluids can cause your body to feel dizzy or unwell due to low blood volume and low blood pressure. Lightheadedness treatment Los Angeles will focus on properly hydrating the body as a way to reduce symptoms. Making sure that you consume enough fluids regularly will ensure that you don’t experience these symptoms too frequently.

Standing Up Too Fast
Orthostatic Hypotension occurs when your body gets up quickly but your blood pressure drops at the same time. This drop in blood pressure can cause you to feel lightheaded, dizzy or both. You can prevent this from happening by taking your time getting up.

Ménière’s disease
This inner ear disease affects more than 200,000 people each year. In addition to feeling dizzy or lightheaded, patients with this condition often experience ringing in the ears or nausea. meniere’s disease treatment Los Angeles will include a combination of medications that can prevent and reduce the dizziness. There are some diuretics used for this condition to flush out excess fluid in the body. In general, meniere’s disease treatment Los Angeles should be carefully monitored by a trusted professional.

When your heart rate isn’t at a normal rate or rhythm, your blood flow and blood pressure are usually affected. This can result in feeling off balance. Some people will experience a racing heart, palpitations or the feeling of having skipped beats. Other people don’t feel that their heart is functioning any differently. This can come on suddenly or gradually.

Side Effects of Medication
There are a whole slew of medications that can result in a person feeling dizzy. Most commonly, anti-anxiety medications carry dizziness as a side effect. It’s a good idea to let your doctor know that you’re experiencing dizziness upon taking your medication. They can help you decide if another medication would be more beneficial.

The flu is a common illness that causes people to feel dizzy. This is usually occurring because an illness is affecting the inner ear, sinuses, nervous system or causing a person to become dehydrated. A doctor for vertigo Los Angeles can help you determine what the course of action should be in order to treat the symptoms during illness.

Poor Circulation
In order for your body to remain upright and balanced, your blood needs to be flowing through your body properly. That means you need appropriate blood volume by way of proper hydration. Your blood pressure needs to be at a healthy level in order to pump blood to your brain and heart. There are a number of conditions that affect the body’s circulatory efforts, and poor circulation comes as a symptom of things like diabetes and heart disease.

It’s a good idea to seek dizziness treatment Los Angeles if your dizziness is causing you to feel faint or if you’ve fallen down. You should also seek dizziness treatment Los Angeles if this is something that’s occurring frequently. Your quality of life shouldn’t be affected by these frequent occurrences. A reputable doctor for vertigo Los Angeles can provide you with a safe and non-invasive lightheadedness treatment Los Angeles that can get you back on your feet again. Contact our ENT doctor Los Angeles today!


All You Need To Know About Nasal Septum Deviation.
It is estimated that about 80% of individuals have a deviated septum. A nasal septum is a cartilaginous structure that divides the right from the left nostrils. Most individuals are born with a deviated septum without noticing. In others, a deviated septum may arise due to trauma injuries to the nose. Typically, a deviated nasal septum has no relevant health implications; however, if the nasal septum is significantly crooked or off-center, this may necessitate a deviated septum repair Los Angeles.

What Are The Signs and Symptoms of A Deviated Nasal Septum?
A deviated nasal septum may manifest as frequent nosebleeds from the nasal septum because its surface is frequently dry. This is common, especially when the nasal septum deviation overexposes a portion of your nose. Nasal septum deviation may be associated with one-sided facial pain, especially if the deviation leads to increased pressure on one of the nostrils.

Another common indicator of nasal septum deviation is nasal obstruction, especially at night. Nasal obstruction leads to difficulty in breathing. The nasal obstruction is exacerbated by a cold and may cause one to sleep facing a particular side to optimize breathing. Milder forms of nasal obstruction may manifest as a nasal obstruction cycle where the blockage occurs alternately between the two nostrils and depends on the supine position one lies.

Snoring when sleeping can be linked to a deviated nasal septum. In more severe cases, a deviated nasal septum may exacerbate or cause sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a medical condition characterized by periods where one can not breathe during their sleep. Other symptoms include headaches and post nasal mucous drips.

Implications Of A Deviated Nasal Septum.
In the milder forms, a deviated nasal septum has no serious health implications. However, severe cases may lead to a frequently blocked nostril that does not respond to treatment, recurring sinus infection, and frequent nosebleeds.

Medical Measures Taken To Correct A Deviated Septum Los Angeles.
A severe case of a deviated nasal septum, may necessitate a deviated septum repair Los Angeles. A septoplasty procedure Los Angeles is a technique where the surgeon makes a small incision in the septum so that they can remove excess cartilage and bone that causes the nasal septum deviation. Septoplasty is a simple surgical procedure that may be done in an outpatient setting. The process requires the use of local anesthesia or a general anesthetic agent. Septoplasty procedure Los Angeles takes about one hour for it to be done to completion.

Additionally, a surgeon may recommend septorhinoplasty Los Angeles. This is a combined procedure of rhinoplasty and septoplasty. Septorhinoplasty Los Angeles requires more recovery time as it is a more invasive surgical procedure. It is advised to wait till the age of 15 years when the nasal septum has fully grown for the correction of a congenital nasal septum deviation. Soft packaging material like cotton wool or internal splints may be put in place to secure the septum and facilitate its healing.

Other new techniques used in the correction of a deviated septum are the use of balloon septoplasty procedure Los Angeles in milder cases.

What are the risks associated with nasal septum deviation surgery?
More often than not, septoplasty and septorhinoplasty are clinically termed as a safe procedure. However, as with any surgery, one may suffer from anesthesia allergy, bleeding, and infection. The risks associated specifically with septoplasty and septorhinoplasty are the loss of smelling sensation and perforation to the septum. Contact our ENT doctor Los Angeles today!


People who come down with a very bad sore throat may wonder whether or not it’s just their regular, run-of-the-mill sore throat or whether it’s strep throat. Without going to a doctor such as a bronchitis specialist Los Angeles, a chronic cough doctor Los Angeles or a chronic sinusitis ENT Los Angeles, it can be hard to tell.

It’s important to know the difference because the treatment for strep throat is different from treatment for a plain sore throat. A regular sore throat is most often caused by a virus while strep throat is always caused by Group A Streptococcus bacteria. This type of bacteria is also called group A strep and can be treated with antibiotics. A regular, virus-caused sore throat will not respond to antibiotics. The difference between the types of sore throat can be diagnosed by either a chronic cough doctor Los Angeles or a chronic sinusitis ENT Los Angeles.
Here are some ways to tell the difference between a sore throat and strep throat:
Strep Throat is Really Painful
A sore throat can hurt, but it doesn’t hurt nearly as much as a strep throat. A person with strep throat may find swallowing so painful that they are afraid to eat or drink. This can put them at risk of dehydration.

Strep Throat Isn’t Common in Adults
Nearly every grown-up gets a sore throat now and then, but it is unusual for an adult to get strep throat. The disorder is most often found in children. Adults are most at risk if they live with children who have the disease or are in close contact with children who have the disease.

Inflamed Tonsils
If the patient still has their tonsils, they are inflamed and sometimes have patches or pockets of pus or white material.

Petechiae on the Roof of the Mouth
When the mouth of a strep throat patient is examined, there are not only inflamed tonsils but petechiae on the roof of the mouth. These are minuscule red spots found on both the soft and hard palate.

Swollen Lymph Nodes
The patient also has swollen lymph nodes in their neck.
Other symptoms are:

  • Headache
  • Nausea and Vomiting
  • Stomach pain
  • Fever over 101 degrees Fahrenheit

Children with strep throat can also develop a rash called scarlet fever, or scarlatina. If they have this disease, they can also have a strawberry tongue. As the name suggests, the tongue looks like a huge strawberry as it is full of bumps and is brilliant red.
It takes between two and five days for a person who’s been infected with group A strep to come down with strep throat.

If the person’s sore throat was caused by a virus, the pain is often accompanied by a runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing, a cough and a hoarse voice. If there’s a fever, it’s below 101 degrees F. These types of symptoms may require the care of a bronchitis specialist Los Angeles if it doesn’t resolve after a couple of weeks. Visit our ENT doctor Los Angeles today!


When is a Sore Throat Considered Chronic?
Nothing is worse than a sore throat that impedes your speech and daily life. Without proper treatment, it can get worse and cause serious problems. Let’s take a close look at why your sore throat will not go away and when it is considered chronic.

Chronic Duration
There’s not an official duration where a sore throat becomes chronic. Sore throats usually subside after a couple of days of proper hydration and medicine. If your sore throat persists beyond this duration, it is venturing into the chronic territory. After two weeks, if the sore throat has not gone away, it is definitely chronic. You’ll want to immediately see a specialist or even more serious medical treatment when things are this bad. Even after a few days, it’s not a bad idea to start looking into a specialist already. Remember, the longer you wait, the more opportunities bacteria have to multiply and infect your entire throat. At the very least, take some sort of action after a few days. Either look for a specialist or begin taking regular doses of medicine.

Reason for Persistence
There are a number of reasons why your sore throat won’t go away. One major factor can be hydration. A good amount of moisture in your throat naturally makes recovery easier. If you don’t drink a lot of water, your throat will dry out and exasperate the issue. When you have a sore throat, make sure to drink plenty of water at meals and between meals. Juices can be good forms of hydration as well, but it’s not advised to resort to sodas. Frequent talking is another reason why your sore throat is persisting. Maybe it’s part of your job to talk a lot, which never gives your throat the rest it needs. Don’t hesitate to take a day off from work to let your throat recover. Finally, coughing is another thing that can make a sore throat linger. While coughing is a natural human reaction, do your best to suppress these coughs. Basic cough medicine is a terrific way to regulate this without resorting to stronger pills.

Curing a chronic sore throat can often require professional help. Don’t hesitate to see a chronic sore throat specialist Los Angeles or a sore throat doctor Los Angeles. These individuals are highly specialized in the field and know exactly how to get you back in shape. When you see a throat infection specialist Los Angeles, you’re in good hands with a medical expert.

If your sore throat doesn’t go away for an extended period of time, it is considered chronic. Our sore throat doctor Los Angeles or a throat infection specialist are two great options. A chronic sore throat specialist Los Angeles will take a look at your condition and prescribe an effective remedy.


Cholesteatomas, also known as benign ear cyst, are growths or lumps in the ear that are filled with fluid, air, and sometimes skin cells inside the ear. The tumor typically emerges in the middle ear behind the eardrum. Cholesteatomas are not cancerous; however, they can lead to other complications such as hearing loss if they remain untreated. For treatment, an ENT doctor for cholesteatoma Los Angeles, will have to remove the cyst through a surgery.

What causes cholesteatomas?
Cholesteatomas can be as a result of various reasons:

  • An ear infection or injury in combination with a poorly functioning Eustachian tube. The pressure within the middle ear can suck in the eardrum and form a pocket if the Eustachian tube does not work correctly. Old skin cells, fluids, and other waste materials can collect inside the pocket and form a cholesteatoma.
  • It can form during child development when a part of the ear lining gets trapped inside the bone as it grows. In rare cases, a congenital form of cholesteatoma can be present at birth in the middle ear or elsewhere.

What are the signs and symptoms of cholesteatoma?
Cholesteatomas usually cause symptoms in one ear. The signs include:

  • Ear infection
  • Trouble hearing in one ear
  • Ear infection
  • Dizziness (or vertigo)
  • Earache
  • Weakness in half your face
  • A constant sound inside your ear (tinnitus)
  • A fluid that smells bad and leaks from your ears

What happens if cholesteatomas remain untreated?
Just like in cancer, the cholesteatoma can spread and infect other parts behind the ear. If not removed, the cyst can eat its way into the brain and facial nerve, causing brain abscess, meningitis, and facial paralysis. Permanent hearing loss can occur when the bones within the ear are broken. Infection in the mastoid bone can also cause mastoiditis. Cholesteatoma surgery Los Angeles, is considered to be the only way to remove a benign ear cyst.

How is cholesteatoma diagnosed?
According to abnormal ear growth doctor Los Angeles, some tests need to be performed after a complete history and physical examination to diagnose and plan for cholesteatomas treatment. The hearing test involves a tympanogram and audiogram. A CT scan of the temporal bone is also necessary.

How is cholesteatoma treated?
There are no medications that can make cholesteatoma disappear. As such, they are usually removed surgically. A cholesteatoma surgery Los Angeles, will take 2 to 3 hours. As stated by ENT doctor for cholesteatoma Los Angeles, there are two ways to perform the surgery:

  • Mastoidectomy: The mastoid bone is opened to remove the cyst.
  • Tympanoplasty: A surgeon uses muscle or cartilage from another part of your ear to refill any hole in your eardrum.

The skin cyst that grows into the middle ear and mastoid leading to cholesteatoma is not cancerous but can erode ear tissues and lead to its damage. Complications are generally rare if the cyst is removed early enough. You can book an appointment with our ENT doctor Los Angeles, to diagnose and treat cholesteatomas.


Allergies affect more than 50 million Americans every year. They originate from the immune system (the body’s defense mechanism) which defends the body against harmful microorganisms such as viruses and bacteria by releasing antibodies that kill the invaders.

Allergic reactions occur when the body releases antibodies in response to harmless substances such as dust and pollen. Allergies cause different discomforts, ranging from wheezing to itchy eyes. Allergy testing Los Angeles will help you know the exact substances causing your allergy and what to do.

Do Allergies Benefit Your Health?
While allergies indicate that the immune system is not functioning correctly, a group of researchers’ suggests otherwise. They argue that these allergies could be the body’s mechanism of getting rid of toxic substances and that allergies are indicators of strong immune systems. The concept is:

  • Allergy symptoms keep unhealthy irritants out of the body. For instance, if you inhale an undesirable substance such as pollen, you may sneeze to exhale it or produce extra mucus.
  • Allergic reactions are the body’s means of warning you to avoid toxic substances. Undoubtedly, if you sneeze or cough a lot when exposed to dust, you are likely to avoid dusty environments.

Currently, there are different studies about allergic reactions. Some indicate that allergies are more robust defenses against certain cancers.

One way of explaining the relationship between allergies and better responses to certain cancers is that allergies strengthen the body’s defense system. It makes it more effective in identifying and eliminating cancer-causing toxins. This concept forms the basis of Los Angeles allergy immunotherapy.

What is Los Angeles Allergy Immunotherapy?
Immunotherapy in Los Angeles is a common treatment for certain types of diseases. Los Angeles allergy immunotherapy entails training the immune system to identify and fight diseases. It boosts the body’s defense system. Immunotherapy has proven effective in the treatment of certain conditions and it takes two approaches:

  1. Introducing foreign substances in the body to trigger immune responses
  2. Using antibody-like substances to fight diseases

The use of immunotherapy in Los Angeles to treat diseases has developed a great deal in this century. However, research into more effective ways of training the immune system to fight diseases is still ongoing.

Allergies May Be Saving Your Life After All!
Allergies are often treated by medication or avoidance of the allergens. Treating allergy symptoms could seem convenient. However, reducing exposure to allergens could be a missed opportunity to train the body’s defense system.

It is imperative to consult an allergy doctor Los Angeles as soon as you develop allergies. If you don’t know the exact substances causing your allergy, you should undergo an allergy testing Los Angeles. An ENT doctor Los Angeles will examine your case and advise you accordingly.


Should you be seeing an acid reflux specialist Los Angeles for your sore throat? Possibly. Sore throats have many possible causes, including viruses, infections and allergies. But did you know that your stomach acid can also cause a sore throat? You may be surprised that your search for a solution to your sore throat may be found at an acid reflux doctor Los Angeles.

Tonsillitis is the inflammation of the tonsils as a result of germs that cause them to swell and become inflamed. Sometimes, you may have a sore throat without any other symptoms of illness. Some throat symptoms can be the result of acid reflux. Seeing an acid reflux specialist Los Angeles can help.

Acid reflux is also called gastroesophageal reflux or GERD. Symptoms include heartburn, a sore throat, a feeling of a lump in the throat, stomach contents backing up into the throat, difficulty swallowing and a bad taste in the mouth. Acid from the stomach irritates the surface of the throat and tonsils, causing a sore throat. Acid from the stomach can also irritate the esophagus. a gastroesophageal reflux doctor Los Angeles specializes in how acid reflux affects your throat.

Laryngopharyngeal reflux is a form of reflux that can also be difficult to determine without a

laryngopharyngeal reflux doctor Los Angeles. When acid reflux affects the larynx, you may experience mild symptoms like post-nasal drip, coughing, a hoarse voice and you may feel you need to clear your throat often. These symptoms are easily mistaken for allergies. A laryngopharyngeal reflux doctor Los Angeles can help you discover if acid reflux is affecting your larynx.

If these symptoms sound familiar, making an appointment with a gastroesophageal reflux doctor Los Angeles is a good idea. In the meantime, there are some lifestyle changes you can make to alleviate some of your symptoms now. Eating smaller meals, eating slowly, avoiding spicy food, avoiding caffeine and carbonated drinks and sleeping with your head elevated can help relieve symptoms at home. Losing excess weight can also help symptoms of acid reflux.

Over the counter medications are also available to treat heartburn. Antacids, H2 Blockers and proton-pump inhibitors are available to treat short or longer-term GERD symptoms. These should be used for up to two weeks. If your GERD symptoms occur longer than two weeks, you should see a doctor.

With over 60 million Americans suffering from acid reflux, GERD is a common disorder for Americans. It is important to determine the cause of your sore throat or hoarse voice. Untreated GERD has potential long term consequences. Uncontrolled acid reflux can cause narrowing of the esophagus, changes to the lining of the esophagus and potential cancer. If you think your sore throat may be related to acid reflux, make an appointment to see an acid reflux doctor Los Angeles. Our ENT doctor Los Angeles is ready to help you.


An ENT doctor Los Angeles residents see because of throat issues will need to examine the throat in some way to make an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment recommendations. Whether you are coming to a throat infection specialist Los Angeles sore throat sufferers like you often visit because of chronic sore throats or infections, chronic throat pain, laryngitis, or some other concern, there are certain examination methods often used.

If there is a need for a more detailed throat examination beyond an initial visual exam of the throat, an instrument called a laryngoscope is often used. It’s what’s used as part of a technique called a laryngoscopy. An ENT doctor in Los Angeles may perform this type of throat exam to learn more about sources of throat discomfort that may include:

  • A mass/growth in the throat area
  • Persistent coughing
  • Chronic throat pain with no clear source
  • Recurring or chronic hoarseness

A laryngoscopy may also be done if there is difficulty swallowing. Another reason for using this examination method is to find out if a persistent earache may be related to something in the throat.

Prior to using the laryngoscope, an ENT specialist may recommend other tests, such as a CT scan, chest X-ray, barium swallow test, or general physical exam to rule out or confirm other possible sources of throat pain. As for how a laryngoscopy is done, it can be done directly or indirectly.

Direct Laryngoscopy
A direct laryngoscopy is usually done in a doctor’s office or hospital with sedation, meaning nothing will be felt during the examination. A flexible telescope is inserted into the mouth and nose to access and view the throat. The scope can be used to view the “voice box” or larynx and other throat structures. Samples can also be collected with the scope. If necessary, growths or objects lodged in the throat may be removed via the scope as well.

Indirect Laryngoscopy
The indirect method is done with the numbing medication or local anesthetic while sitting in a chair. This type of laryngoscopy involves the use of a mirror to view the throat. If you have this type of throat examination, you may also be asked to make certain sounds to stimulate the larynx, or to simply say “ahh.”

Throat Examinations in Children
A pediatric ENT doctor Los Angeles parents go to see because a child has throat issues may take additional steps. With a throat examination in children, a younger child is often kept on the adult’s lap. While facing forward, a hand is placed on the child’s head to keep it by the chest of the adult holding the child. If there is a need to insert a laryngoscope, this part of the examination is usually saved for last after an initial visual examination is done.

A chronic sore throat specialist Los Angeles patients visit will use results from a thorough examination to put together a personalized treatment plan. In some instances, this may involve medication. Other times, outpatient throat surgery may be recommended. Contact us today to learn more.

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